Sustainability Projects  


Gardening Project

We started our gardening project in January 2020. The aim for this was so  that our people can eat a healthy and balanced meal.

Our Garden consist of:

200 seedlings of Spinach,200 seedlings of Cabbage

200 seedlings of Beetroot and 200 seedlings of Peppers 

Saturday Feeding Scheme

Our Saturday Feeding Scheme:

We feed over 250 people per saturday ,this is a mixed group of Adults, Children and Youth.

This is to ensure that the children that rely on School feeding scheme receive food during weekends. Our plan is to build a drop-in centre were the children and elderly people will receive a meal a day.

Great News!!! We are now starting a farming Project in Magagamatala 03 May 2021


Together with our team and 7 Volunteers we are working on clearing and cultivating the Land. Thank you to Mergon Foundation for your generous donation towards this project, the Royal house of Magagamatala for allocating the land for this project.

We are planning to plant Carrots, Tomatoes, Onion, spinach and Chillies. This will form part of our sustainability project, we will harvest and sell to local shops and individuals.